Who, Dear Gentle Reader(s), is minding the store?
Hie thee to The Washington Post’s website for insight regarding oversight and hindsight.
The article is titled “Regulator Let IndyMac Bank Falsify Report,” and subtitled “Agency Didn't Enforce Its Rules, Inquiry Finds.” In it you will find, DGR(s), the amazing journey of one Darrel Dochowa, federal regulator, who
“…approved a plan by IndyMac Bank to exaggerate its financial health in a May federal filing, allowing the California company to avoid regulatory restrictions only two months before it collapsed, a federal inquiry has found.”
and who has been disciplined prior to this current “scandal”
It is the second time Dochow has been removed from a position as a senior thrift regulator. He was demoted in the early 1990s after federal investigators found that he had delayed and impeded proper regulation of Charles Keating's failed Lincoln Savings and Loan.
and who
…has been reassigned to work in Washington on "special projects" and as head of human resources, pending completion of the inquiry, according to a memo sent to OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision] staff yesterday.
So, we find, to force another metaphor, a guy who some 15 years ago was demoted for inadequate oversight, worked his way back into uppermanagement’s good graces, and screwed the pooch again—not to mention contributing to the world wide pooch screwing—and is reassigned to D.C.:
Dochow has been reassigned to work in Washington on "special projects" and as head of human resources, pending completion of the inquiry, according to a memo sent to OTS staff yesterday.
The question one asks is “Why?” Then the question becomes “Why is this guy still on the public payroll?” Finally one wonders “Who’s in charge?” Followed hard upon by “Why is that person still in charge?”
(BTW, the “Keating” brouhaha is linked to the Savings and Loan mess of the Bush I administration. This has been going on for a long time.)
Alas, Dear Gentle Reader(s), it’s becoming more and more difficult to
Trust, let alone verify.
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